Today I chose to be happy.

I know that must sound weird. Or not really make a whole lot of sense. But it’s true I woke up this morning, it’s Saturday so I didn’t have any true responsibilities. So there was no reason to be sad. I was just happy. I woke up and made myself coffee. I thought about how lucky I am to have that amazing machine that makes coffee in about a minute. This made me happy, just thinking about all the things in life. Things I tend to take for granted but are actually luxuries. Isn’t that enough to be happy? Obviously not because happiness comes from within. That’s why materialism doesn’t work to create lasting happiness.

So why are they selling it to us?

Exactly! there isn’t a reason besides, money. Money is a huge motivation for people.

I made an effort all day today to not spend hours on my phone. Because I realized an exact connection to my sadness and phone usage. Yesterday I watched a video about how social media is bad for everyone. It surprised me how that is actually true. No one is living anymore. We don’t even enjoy dinner at a restaurant without posting a photo. Not for the person across from us, but for people who don’t even know us.

My boyfriend doesn’t do that very act as often. I even thought of it as a bad sign at first. Now I realize it was because he was enjoying his time with me. He doesn’t need to prove that he’s in a relationship. Because he knows he is and that is enough for him. It’s interesting how much I learn from Michael, I think we can learn things from everyone if we just took the time to connect. Because we’re all connected. We’re all human. And we all deserve to be happy. And we don’t need to prove it to anyone else.

I went and saw a movie with my Dad. I tend to rather hangout with my friends or boyfriend. Which I realized is ridiculous because it’s my fucking Dad, he does everything for me, he deserves to be a priority too. We went to the dollar store picked out candy to sneak into the movie theater. I even enjoyed this part. I soaked it all in. It was fun, joking with my Dad about candy, there was no rush at all. We were just living our lives. Once we bought the tickets we eventually found seats in our theater room thing. My Dad even seemed happy, we realized we hadn’t gone to a movie together in years. After the movie was over we both talked about how great it was. We saw the greatest showman btw, it was amazing!!!! Anyways, we experienced that together, made memories. And it was honestly such a great day.

In the pit of my brain I have millions of worries, we all do. We could worry and question everything if we really wanted to. But, I’m making a conscious effort to not do that. And just live, take everything day by day. I’m trying to enjoy everything to the full extent. I guess it’s considered mindfulness. Like mindful breathing in yoga. You live every second and enjoy it fully. I made a pattern this morning to make a skirt later on. I made a friendship bracelet choker necklace yesterday. It’s crazy what you can accomplish when you don’t spend all your time on your phone. And just live. That’s all you have to do. Just take in every breath and enjoy every second. Life is too precious not too.

I hope everyone is doing well, thanks for taking the time to read this.


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