I’m holding on to myself- November 22, 2018

The nicest thing happened, someone talked to me about my blog. I didn’t think anyone actually read anything, even when I have notifications that say otherwise. It truly made my heart feel so full. I went back and read it myself. And it blew my mind. I’ve changed so much in so little time. I think it’s completely because of the conditions in my life. Even though I have so many wonderful people in my life who love and support me, I often feel like I don’t have a set place. Mainly because my living situation doesn’t really feel like I have a home. And my longest relationship has actually come to a closing.

These things start to make you feel independent.

I recently went on a trip to Germany to visit my friend, this trip truly changed everything. Making me more grateful then ever before. Before I left I was kinda in a funk, I felt so bad for myself for the divorce for my home being taken from me, having no personal space, for someone who I loved so much to not want me anymore. Yeah, I was depressed. Then going to Germany made me realize how lucky I actually am. It reminded me of me, like the things I have to offer to people. No one can ever take these things away. Because my kindness, my smile, is me. Everyone in my life is meant to be there. All the hardships are special to my life. Sometimes I really don’t know what to say, but I know I need to write more. At least once a week I guess to not lose myself again.

So, thanks for reading my blog. Happy thanksgiving


I’m shedding my old self – spiritual awakening – The beginning

We all have intuition, whether we realize it or even let it factor into our lives. It’s there like a gift almost. Intuition gives us these feelings to guide our lives in the right directions and take us away from the wrong ones. The last couple weeks have been very emotional and spiritual for me. I’ve been crying very often and about things that don’t make sense. I’ve been crying because I’m sad, but why on earth would I be sad? I have everything I could ever need.

I’m attempting to get to the root of my sadness. I’m even thinking that maybe these aches were given to me from the universe to discover new things and move on in my life. I definitely feel like I’m starting to get to that place.

A couple days ago I wasn’t getting out of bed, and the only thing I wanted to do was read a good book. So I talked to my mom about it and she gave me a book that she read in her twenties. Little did I know that exactly what I was looking for was in the room down the hall. The book is called “Living in the light”, it’s about letting the universe guide you using your own intuition. So this, is exactly what I’m trying to discover.

I’m going to start writing about this journey, I believe my life is going to change for the better.


Accutane month two finished!

This is seriously my face! It is crazy to see how far along my skin has come. My doctor upped my dosage so I took accutane day and night. Instead of only in the morning. This honestly helped greatly. But by doing this my skin has also become way more dry and irritating.

Major side effects

Dryness, my lips are beyond dry to the point where chopstick doesn’t help anymore.

Oh, and my eczema that used to be very mild to the point where I didn’t notice it, is now effecting my arms very badly.

My arms are so sensitive if I put a sweater on my skin burns. And lotion causes the same feeling so there isn’t really a cure.

Don’t go to Florida on accutane, your face will get sun burnt

I don’t feel ugly, it makes me feel so stupid to even say that. But it’s true I don’t even think about my acne anymore. Even though my skin is still far from perfect. I guess I’m starting to realize there is so much more then looks. I think it’s so hard to get out of the box of worrying about your appearance. I guess having such bad acne, then it going away makes me realize how much I’m not going to complain about anything else about my appearance.


Today I chose to be happy.

I know that must sound weird. Or not really make a whole lot of sense. But it’s true I woke up this morning, it’s Saturday so I didn’t have any true responsibilities. So there was no reason to be sad. I was just happy. I woke up and made myself coffee. I thought about how lucky I am to have that amazing machine that makes coffee in about a minute. This made me happy, just thinking about all the things in life. Things I tend to take for granted but are actually luxuries. Isn’t that enough to be happy? Obviously not because happiness comes from within. That’s why materialism doesn’t work to create lasting happiness.

So why are they selling it to us?

Exactly! there isn’t a reason besides, money. Money is a huge motivation for people.

I made an effort all day today to not spend hours on my phone. Because I realized an exact connection to my sadness and phone usage. Yesterday I watched a video about how social media is bad for everyone. It surprised me how that is actually true. No one is living anymore. We don’t even enjoy dinner at a restaurant without posting a photo. Not for the person across from us, but for people who don’t even know us.

My boyfriend doesn’t do that very act as often. I even thought of it as a bad sign at first. Now I realize it was because he was enjoying his time with me. He doesn’t need to prove that he’s in a relationship. Because he knows he is and that is enough for him. It’s interesting how much I learn from Michael, I think we can learn things from everyone if we just took the time to connect. Because we’re all connected. We’re all human. And we all deserve to be happy. And we don’t need to prove it to anyone else.

I went and saw a movie with my Dad. I tend to rather hangout with my friends or boyfriend. Which I realized is ridiculous because it’s my fucking Dad, he does everything for me, he deserves to be a priority too. We went to the dollar store picked out candy to sneak into the movie theater. I even enjoyed this part. I soaked it all in. It was fun, joking with my Dad about candy, there was no rush at all. We were just living our lives. Once we bought the tickets we eventually found seats in our theater room thing. My Dad even seemed happy, we realized we hadn’t gone to a movie together in years. After the movie was over we both talked about how great it was. We saw the greatest showman btw, it was amazing!!!! Anyways, we experienced that together, made memories. And it was honestly such a great day.

In the pit of my brain I have millions of worries, we all do. We could worry and question everything if we really wanted to. But, I’m making a conscious effort to not do that. And just live, take everything day by day. I’m trying to enjoy everything to the full extent. I guess it’s considered mindfulness. Like mindful breathing in yoga. You live every second and enjoy it fully. I made a pattern this morning to make a skirt later on. I made a friendship bracelet choker necklace yesterday. It’s crazy what you can accomplish when you don’t spend all your time on your phone. And just live. That’s all you have to do. Just take in every breath and enjoy every second. Life is too precious not too.

I hope everyone is doing well, thanks for taking the time to read this.


Don’t use the internet so much

The last couple days, it honestly feels like I’ve spent all day staring at either my phone or laptop. The only breaks I had from them were when I showered, or did some yoga. Even when I read I would only read for around twenty minutes. Realistically twenty minutes is such a very small part of my day. And I noticed it didn’t make me feel better because it was such a small part. When I write it down, I honestly should be reading for at the minimum an hour.

About an hour ago I became so frustrated. My mind feels like it’s thinking too much. Like I feel so worried about my future and find myself endlessly searching for happiness or goals via the internet. I even started planning a whole new life goal when I haven’t even graduated from yoga school. Which is ridiculous I still have so much learning and practice to complete. My problem is I absolutely love the internet but it’s becoming a very toxic relationship I have come to realize. It’s been affecting my whole life. I’ve become very inpatient. Which doesn’t even make sense because I hardly have anything to be stressed about.

The book I’m reading is basically self help, or help finding a better way to think and live. So why does it not feel like it’s not helping? I think it is directly because my use of the internet. How the hell am I supposed to live better when I’m not really living.In the beginning of December, I was super happy. That was the same time I uninstalled social media from my phone. That can’t be a coincidence that my happiness levels increased when my internet use decreased.

If all my numbers are correct. Not that I actually used math. But just from common sense I need to take another internet cleanse. I think it will calm my mind a bit. Then after I do this I need to find a balance of internet use. Maybe I should look for a book on it, but that would require internet use of course. So shit.

Wish me luck


Updated capsule wardrobe / it’s not boring anymore

This is my closet, all my winter shit hung up for everyone to see. And let me just say that I’m very proud. I think I’m starting to get my shit together when it comes to my wardrobe. It’s really starting to all make sense to me. At the beginning of my minimalist journey I was actually quite lost. Now I’m not as confused by the whole thing. It’s easy to copy other capsule wardrobes because of the internet. Which I loved at first, I was wearing very simple outfits. I felt good in them for a long time actually. Then I watched this video on YouTube about why clothes are important. And I felt quite sad after it. Because I had a realization that I was taking away all the fun about wearing clothing. So my initial instinct was to go shopping. But of course I’m a minimalist so I went in with a game plan.

I even spent a couple days thinking this over. Was I really going to bring more items into my wardrobe? Going against everything I believed in? Against every thing I obsessed over the last couple months? And the answer to this is yes! I built up the courage and went to the mall. This time around I wasn’t going to grab the first basic ass color print. Because I already have enough of those. What’s missing is patterns and textures along with more playful colors. I only bought a few things, in all honesty to most people this wouldn’t be a huge shopping experience. But this was to me.

In total I spent around $60. However, I got a lot of extra money from Christmas so I wasn’t spending my working money. So I didn’t feel too guilty about it.

anyways I finally feel a lot more like myself. I like wearing fun patterns and colors because I feel like life is too short not too. It works better when I don’t try to dress in any style, I just put together items that feel right to me. I think that’s what fashion should encourage.


My Accutane journey/ beginning the process

These photos are honestly really hard to even take, but this is my skin with no makeup. I have terrible hormonal acne that covers almost my entire face. I’ve tried everything possible to get rid of it. Accutane is my last resort. It’s crazy to think that there is a possibility of having clear skin. My acne has caused me so much emotional pain more then I could ever imagine. I’ve cried so many times just from feeling so hideous, it’s ruined my relationship with myself and has made me feel unworthy to love.

Last month I had my first dermatologist appointment. Right away he knew accutane would be the only cure for my skin (I have cystic acne). After this I had to go to a lab to get a pregnancy test. The drug causes extreme birth defects so I will have to get one every month. There is such a waitlist for accutane that I have to wait another month to even get the prescription. Before this appointment I have to get blood work and another pregnancy test done. Which I’m honestly nervous about doing.

I picked up the medicine today, and took my first pill. Today is day one, apparently I won’t see results until at least 2-3 months. I’m going to do an updated post each month showing my skin process. I heard my lips will get chapped, but it’s worth it if my acne actually goes away. Wish me luck on month one.


Becoming a yoga instructor at 17

In five months I will be guiding others in their yoga practice. Instead of just my own. I have an opportunity to influence and change lives. That may sound extreme, but I truly believe yoga can do this. My journey so far has honestly changed me. It’s the best experience I’ve ever had. I’m finally active, and I feel good about my body. I didn’t work out for two years, before I started doing yoga. What is crazy about that, is that I used to be a dancer. That was my life, then I stopped to pursue acting, and never worked out again. Then I found yoga, and everything sort of came together. Yoga is like happiness glue. That also makes your tummy toned.

The first thing people ask most of the time is how much yoga instructors make. I don’t think there is any real answer to this though. Because honestly it’s that yoga instructors choice. It all depends on how you expand your yoga business. And yes, every person has a business. Even if it doesn’t have walls and a door. I think any sort of thing you do for money is a business. I believe that with social media it’s possible to build yourself up, and get a bigger yogi base. You can even work at a resort and teach yoga. Live and teach at a beach, that’s a dream.

When I started my yoga teacher training I was only seventeen. I’m still seventeen, but when I graduate I will have just turned eighteen. I can’t believe I will already be certified at the same time I would be high school graduating. And even if I wanted to do something else I could pursue another career. And do yoga for the rest of my life. I think this training is one of the most empowering schools. You learn so much about breath and enlightenment. When most people never experience or look into themselves beyond the outside level.

The books for my training are both good and bad. I think when anyone starts this training you quickly find out what you like. I learned I’m very interested in spirituality and meditation. These are important aspects of yoga. Although anatomy doesn’t stay in my head or my heart as easily. I know once I finish my 200 hour program, I will want to take additional classes. Such as a study just centered on the chakras. Yoga has several ways you can become specific in any area in a practice. Once I start teaching, I think that is when I will start to find my favorite style. I have five months left of my training. The thought of graduating and starting this new chapter in my life will make 2018 unforgettable. And I started this journey when I was seventeen. When will you start yours?


New years resolution/ How to journal

I started writing in a journal when my mom bought me one in sixth grade. Since then I can’t remember a time where I didn’t put my thoughts onto paper. It’s interesting because on Pinterest and other google links, people always talk about writing in your journal for ten minutes a day or a full page. Saying that there are so many benefits to it, like creating mindfulness, and even helping you realize and reach your goals. So I found out that I’ve been doing this super healthy thing for a huge portion of my life and didn’t even realize. This is why I’m probably really emotional, and tend to write poetry and so forth.

This post is not about my emotions though. It’s about how I’ve kept a diary for the last six years. And I truly have. One of my friends asked me one day on how to get into journaling, initially I was taken back. How could I do this for so long but not know how to answer a simple question about it? After doing some brainstorming I think this time around I can finally answer the basics for journaling 101.

You will need a journal that you think is lovely. Because this will be another home to you for the next six months to even a year. This depends on how big you write mainly. Once you have this home, write your name in the front. I’ve always done this, and I usually follow with the time of year. After I graduated high-school my new journal was labeled “Summer after high school 2017”. By doing this when you read through them in the future you can quickly indicate this special time in your life.

The first day, your pen goes to paper. Maybe not the first day ever, but this is a new journey that you and your journal are now taking together. On the first page write the date at the top, in whatever fashion you want. If you feel lost on what to write take a breath and I’ll give you a few ideas/tips. Think about what you did today, any sort of emotion that you have experienced in the last few hours. This is your inspiration for your writing. I’m going to write something I actually wrote in my personal journal, just in case you need some extra direction.

September 19, 2017

Life has improved a lot since Sunday. I went to a yoga class this morning. And I did some research into getting a work visa in Australia. Which I am going to start saving for. From here on out I am only going to spend money on gas for this month. Hopefully I can go to Australia in 18 months. So a year and a half. I want to try to save $20,000.

This is one of my most optimistic and positive pages I have written in my journal. Most things I write can be sort of sad, because this is how I get out those emotions. I believe journaling is honestly great to get into. Because as long as you have a pen and paper you can do it. It’s a very easy and rewarding hobby. It will just take time to get into the habit of writing everyday. However, don’t stress or panic if you miss a day. I’ve gone a week or more without writing. And it’s totally okay!

Once you have been journaling for awhile you can look back and read about your own life. It’s almost as if you now have a book of your history. That include raw emotions, and experiences. One of the best feelings ever is to read about such a special and happy memory that you wouldn’t have remembered unless you wrote it down. It’s such a special gift you can give yourself. I hope in the new year, you can give yourself this special rewarding gift.


How I saved $1,500 super quick

When I started working as a banquet server I had only about $250 in my bank account. It’s been almost four months at this job and I’ve saved almost all the money I’ve made. How did I do it? It honestly didn’t even occur to me that I wasn’t spending much until I suddenly had $1,500 in my savings (this doesn’t include my checking). The money in my checking I use for gas, food, fun etc.

After doing some analyzing I realize how I did it. I just graduated high school and still live at home so I don’t have any bills because my car is paid off, and my parents pay for my insurance. So this savings plan can be harder if you have to pay adult bills. If you’re in a similar situation to mine, then my story will definitely help you and open your eyes to how easy it is to save and make money.

Searching for a job. When you’re looking for a job even if you don’t have much going for you. Which if you’re young and don’t have a degree you will fall in this category. Then you don’t have experience, and almost every job you can apply to is minimum wage. Or is it?

Listen to me when I tell you it is possible to make $12 an hour when you’re 17. And with the possibility of making tips, and free food. Banquet serving is the field to get into. I got my job from my sister, she found the job on Craigslist over the summer. When I could finally work I applied, and got hired rather quickly.

My paychecks have DOUBLED compared to when I worked at other places. It is possible to be paid well even if you’re straight out of high school, just don’t give up on the job search. Also, look into country clubs, golf courses, and other fancy VIP type places. Those type of businesses are able to pay employees well, even in cases where they’re very simple jobs.Once you get a job that pays over $10 an hour (that should be your minimum). You’re able to start saving easily, like actually start saving because you’re not making $7.25.

Things I stopped spending money on that instantly made me have more money. I used to go shopping right after I got paid, that was always my reward to myself. If you like shopping and that’s your thing make sure to put money away in your savings before you do anything else. Every time I have gotten paid I try to put a little more then half in my savings. Which will still leave you with money for gas, and occasional food runs.

By actively adding to your savings, you can no longer touch your money. You can but it’s not as easy as your checking. If you change your mindset of your savings and imagine it in a bubble that can’t be broken that money will accumulate quickly.

Save all your cash!When I first started doing this it was for fun because I would get a few tips from working at a pizza place and I’d just put them in a jar when I got home. One day I decided to go to my bank and deposit this money. It was around $300 in cash, just from one dollar tips I’d get each night of working. On those individual nights $3-$5 didn’t seem like much but it ended up adding up very quickly.

Don’t just save your tips though, any money you may get from family or anything else should be put away. Because you’ll forget about it and that is how it adds up quickly. It’s also very easy to later deposit this money into your savings account.

How I saved my regular pay checks. Well I stopped buying stuff like I used to. I would mindfully limit myself to going out to eat once a week. And by making this mental note it actually worked. I still went out and enjoyed company but I did it a lot smarter. By not going to the mall all the time I saved money too, instead if I needed something I would look for it on amazon first which is usually cheaper then anything in store. By consciously thinking before you buy, or delaying it. You will realize how many things you don’t actually need to spend your money on.

Sell your clothes! Now I don’t mean stuff you wear on a daily basis. I’m talking about the items you never wear and are planning on donating. I sold a lot of my clothes at second hand re sale stores. Overall I made around $100, in the span of two months. I did this when I began my capsule wardrobe and minimalist lifestyle, that led me to down sizing a lot.

By doing all of these things I have saved a lot of money, and I’m continuing to save more. Which is making me so excited about the future and possibilities I will have because of these easy steps. I hope if you’re trying to save money you can at least consider some of these tips to help you along the way.
