It’s Christmas Eve, we should be happy

Yesterday my sister and I went out to get last minute gifts. Which I honestly never recommend doing. This time of year everyone waits last minute to get gifts that they could of gotten weeks ago. I did all my Christmas shopping two weeks ago, so I wouldn’t have to deal with the craziness. But of course I ended up in the mists of it. I was contributing to it completely. Because I’ve changed my mindset so much, I actually feel a sense of sadness when I go into stores. So many people are buying so many things, 24/7. It’s like it never stops, consumerism is what makes our society. Everyone works so hard to buy things. Now of course I buy stuff too, to live you need certain things. It just makes me so sad to see people look so lifeless and depressed when they’re doing something so “fun”.

The idea of living simply seems so amazing to me. Part of me just wants to move away to a place that is warm all year. This way you only need one wardrobe, and with the sun always shining you can easily feel good. The coldness this time of year, sort of contains us inside. And their isn’t much to do, so we go shopping. It’s warm and comforting. Imagine living in a place that was warm in December, and even on Christmas. That would be truly magical in my opinion. Snow is definitely beautiful, but in Virginia it doesn’t really snow until late January. So it doesn’t feel like a Christmas movie.

I watched a documentary called “happy”, you can watch it on Netflix. In the documentary there was a man who lived in a village with almost nothing. His job was to pull people around on a wagon wearing only flipflops . He had to use only his body to perform this, he didn’t have a bike of any sorts. When interviewed he said how rich he felt, he was truly happy. Following with how excited he is to return home to his family every day after a long day of work. I think that is so beautiful. People make us happy, it’s being surrounded my company and love. It is what makes us human.

We need love, and we need to give love too. I hope you enjoy your holidays with the ones you love.


One thought on “It’s Christmas Eve, we should be happy”

  1. Jess, I’m feeling the same way this holiday season. Sad that other people are finding it more important to go shopping and buy things more than just enjoying time with family. Hopefully they’ll find happiness somewhere.

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