How I saved $1,500 super quick

When I started working as a banquet server I had only about $250 in my bank account. It’s been almost four months at this job and I’ve saved almost all the money I’ve made. How did I do it? It honestly didn’t even occur to me that I wasn’t spending much until I suddenly had $1,500 in my savings (this doesn’t include my checking). The money in my checking I use for gas, food, fun etc.

After doing some analyzing I realize how I did it. I just graduated high school and still live at home so I don’t have any bills because my car is paid off, and my parents pay for my insurance. So this savings plan can be harder if you have to pay adult bills. If you’re in a similar situation to mine, then my story will definitely help you and open your eyes to how easy it is to save and make money.

Searching for a job. When you’re looking for a job even if you don’t have much going for you. Which if you’re young and don’t have a degree you will fall in this category. Then you don’t have experience, and almost every job you can apply to is minimum wage. Or is it?

Listen to me when I tell you it is possible to make $12 an hour when you’re 17. And with the possibility of making tips, and free food. Banquet serving is the field to get into. I got my job from my sister, she found the job on Craigslist over the summer. When I could finally work I applied, and got hired rather quickly.

My paychecks have DOUBLED compared to when I worked at other places. It is possible to be paid well even if you’re straight out of high school, just don’t give up on the job search. Also, look into country clubs, golf courses, and other fancy VIP type places. Those type of businesses are able to pay employees well, even in cases where they’re very simple jobs.Once you get a job that pays over $10 an hour (that should be your minimum). You’re able to start saving easily, like actually start saving because you’re not making $7.25.

Things I stopped spending money on that instantly made me have more money. I used to go shopping right after I got paid, that was always my reward to myself. If you like shopping and that’s your thing make sure to put money away in your savings before you do anything else. Every time I have gotten paid I try to put a little more then half in my savings. Which will still leave you with money for gas, and occasional food runs.

By actively adding to your savings, you can no longer touch your money. You can but it’s not as easy as your checking. If you change your mindset of your savings and imagine it in a bubble that can’t be broken that money will accumulate quickly.

Save all your cash!When I first started doing this it was for fun because I would get a few tips from working at a pizza place and I’d just put them in a jar when I got home. One day I decided to go to my bank and deposit this money. It was around $300 in cash, just from one dollar tips I’d get each night of working. On those individual nights $3-$5 didn’t seem like much but it ended up adding up very quickly.

Don’t just save your tips though, any money you may get from family or anything else should be put away. Because you’ll forget about it and that is how it adds up quickly. It’s also very easy to later deposit this money into your savings account.

How I saved my regular pay checks. Well I stopped buying stuff like I used to. I would mindfully limit myself to going out to eat once a week. And by making this mental note it actually worked. I still went out and enjoyed company but I did it a lot smarter. By not going to the mall all the time I saved money too, instead if I needed something I would look for it on amazon first which is usually cheaper then anything in store. By consciously thinking before you buy, or delaying it. You will realize how many things you don’t actually need to spend your money on.

Sell your clothes! Now I don’t mean stuff you wear on a daily basis. I’m talking about the items you never wear and are planning on donating. I sold a lot of my clothes at second hand re sale stores. Overall I made around $100, in the span of two months. I did this when I began my capsule wardrobe and minimalist lifestyle, that led me to down sizing a lot.

By doing all of these things I have saved a lot of money, and I’m continuing to save more. Which is making me so excited about the future and possibilities I will have because of these easy steps. I hope if you’re trying to save money you can at least consider some of these tips to help you along the way.


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