How I made time for yoga

Believe me when I first started my practice I barely did it. I was lazy and was not consistent. Then after I got an injury that made me unable to do almost anything (the healing process took 2 and a half months) my mindset changed. Once my hand healed I did yoga every damn day. I didn’t take any days off because I was addicted to the feeling. At first I didn’t know how to do it by myself. So I watched YouTube videos, which are honestly amazing free tools. There is a YouTuber called bohobeautiful, her yoga videos are amazing and easy to follow.

How long does a yoga flow have to be? Before I had always made excuses as to why I couldn’t, then I realized I could do a whole satisfying yoga flow in under 20 minutes! Which has made me stronger, and more flexible. And the best part is that I honestly feel amazing. My yoga sequence is a great combination of core and arm workouts, along with flexibility and meditation.

How do I make time? It’s honestly very simple. Every morning after I wake up I make my coffee and eat something small. Like a bowl of cereal or an apple. It’s important to not do yoga on a complete empty stomach. Then after this I move my rug in the center of my room, and roll out my yoga mat.

What music do I use?  There is a playlist on spotify called piano in the background, I put that on shuffle and that is my playlist I always use. I think soft instrumental music in the best for a yoga practice, but that is my personal preference of course.

Is it expensive? My yoga mat was only six dollars. I got mine at a Tuesday morning, you really don’t need any fancy to have an effective practice. Businesses tend to try to sell yoga, I don’t think anyone should invest in props unless they have been doing yoga for awhile, and know how to use them effectively.

How fast are results? It took me about a month to get fully used to this routine. At first it was hard, but after awhile it turned into something I did on a daily basis. It’s apart of my life now. I never think twice if I’m up for it. Because the benefits are better then anything I’ve ever experienced.

How can I set the yoga mood? Buy some candles! Candles are a great way for subtle lighting that is perfect and relaxing. I’ve learned that even unscented candles are a great thing to have. Whenever I do yoga, I have at least light one candle. I also turn my salt lamp on. Doing this can make any practice feel more relaxing.

Yoga is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It’s a way to cherish and nourish your body. Ever since I started yoga I feel like I have so much more control over my life. I feel like no matter what happens around me I have my yoga practice that I can hold on to. I hope this post can make you feel less nervous about yoga, and maybe even start your own practice.


The life cleanse effects of minimalism

  • These last couple months, I feel like I have truly changed my life, and my outlook on so many things. By discovering minimalism I no longer consume. Of course I still buy things, but nothing like I was before. I would spend so much time shopping for clothes in stores, and even online. In the end I donated and sold 85% of them.
  • However it’s not just about clothes. It’s my actual thoughts, and way of thinking. I don’t spend my time thinking if I had this, I will be happy. Because life is so much more then things, it’s about relationships, adventures, and hobbies. That is what gives us meaning, not how much money or possessions we own. That does not make a person.
  • I think the main conflict is that in the US we are so brainwashed, we even go shopping right after Thanksgiving, leaving our families early. After a whole morning of showing gratitude we are convinced that we need more. Which I think is truly a shame.
  • In the last few months, I have gotten in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I do yoga every single day, it’s apart of my routine. And I honestly have completely fallen in love with it. I even when to the gym for the first time the other day. Everyone there inspired me so much, and gave me so much hope. People are starting to wake up, and are making a choice to cherish their bodies. Your body is the only thing you have control over, so why would you do harm to it.
  • For the most part I eat healthy, but I still enjoy hot chocolate and sweets every once in awhile. I used to be really weak, I’m a vegetarian and for the longest time I wasn’t eating enough. I felt tired even after sleeping all night. Depending on how much you weigh you need a certain amount of protein each day. Once I figured out my magic number, I’ve been feeling amazing. Everyday I make sure to include fruits and vegetables in every meal along with a glass of water. Just these few changes to my diet has given me plenty of energy.
  • My relationship, for the first time ever I haven’t given up. I used to be a serial dater, and never thought it was my fault. Looking back I had a very big contribution of each ending.Now  I choose to forgive, and act with love. And just because of these two changes, I’m in a very fulfilling relationship that I see continuing to get better. It’s opened up my eyes. It’s possible to have something great, it won’t be easy but it doesn’t have to be hard either.

My last couple months have been the best of my life, and I can’t wait to continue expericning every new beautiful day.


Minimalism and underwear

The last drawer I went through was my bra, sock, and underwear drawer. I was dreading it especially because I felt like I needed everything. It was so full and messy I couldn’t even get it closed. Before I even began to go through everything, I was already overwhelmed. After going through it and simplifying all my undies, I would say I now know a few easy tips. I have made a little step by step guide to help you go through yours too!

  • Pour the drawer out! You have to dump everything on your floor. So you can see everything.
  • Get trash bags for easy organization. You will need one for trash, and one for donate.
  • Start going through, separate everything by keep, donate or toss.
  • Don’t keep anything that doesn’t fit! Just because a bra is cute doesn’t mean you need to hold on to it if you can’t wear it. Simply donate it, Newer bra’s are okay to donate but I personally wouldn’t donate underwear.
  • Finally put everything you’re keeping back in your dresser.
  • Now when you need something everything in there will work! No more digging for a pair that fits.

I hope this helps you declutter, and make your life easier.


Getting into meditation (for real)

I’ve read that you should meditate, but I never knew exactly how. I always wanted to try it and experience it myself. But I never knew if I was doing it right. It’s a lot more complex then just sitting cris cross apple sauce and closing your eyes. It’s awakening your subtle energy, and embracing a still mind.

I used to try to meditate with soft music on, but I’ve honestly had the best meditation with complete silence. I believe it’s important to stretch a little bit first to calm the mind. Doing yoga is the most beneficial but simple stretching is effective too.

First find a comfortable seated pose on the floor

Next decide which hand placement is right for you, I go back and forth between my palms facing up on my knees. And my hands in prayer pose on my heart.

This can change depending on your needs.

Close your eyes and simply focus on your breathing. Become mindful with your breath.

Feel each inhale and exhale, eventually you’ll start to feel one with your breath. Bringing your mind to bliss.

If you are unable to quiet your mind, this will still happen to me. Start to think about all the people and activities that make you smile. And pray on that happiness.

Eventually you’ll find yourself in a state of awe. It is like no other feeling in the world. Hold on to this feeling, and remind yourself how beautiful and wonderful life is. And everyone is just trying their best.

When your meditation is coming to a close sweep your hands over your head with energy and bring your hands to your heart.

Bow down to your hands and thank yourself for this meditation. Then slowly open your eyes, and let yourself truly enjoy that moment of stillness.

Meditation has helped me become a better person, not just to others, but to myself. When you love yourself and find the light inside, you’ll be able to see the good in everyone.

I hope you give yourself a chance to discover the power of meditation, it only takes five minutes.


My 200 hour Yoga teacher training experience / half way done

Today I had class, and today is also the half-way point of my yoga training school. I’m honestly getting quite excited for the next couple months. Since I have gained so much passion for yoga I feel like it will be a easy transition from student to teacher.

The biggest change I have found in myself is meditation and spirituality. When I signed up I was all about power yoga and getting sweaty and really fit. I still enjoy a good yoga workout. Just now I’ve discovered and truly learned the beginnings of meditation. I used to roll my eyes at it, and think it wasn’t real yoga. I was completely wrong. Meditation honestly has changed my life more then anything else.

There is so much more to yoga then I originally thought! Yoga is a spiritual experience, not a science textbook. It’s making me realize what kind of teacher I want to be which is moving me in the right direction.

My training is a 200 hour program, so if anyone has any questions or curiosities feel free to comment!


Cozy Hygge outfit/ Minimalism outfit

Today was very, very cold. And I had a lot of shit to do. I even made a list of everything to make sure I stayed on track. So I wanted to stay cozy, since I was running around all morning. I took some inspiration from Hygee, It’s a Danish word for staying cozy. It is actually a whole lifestyle and winter concept I just discovered. Which has honestly spiked my interest greatly. I even ordered a book about it on Amazon, after I read it i’ll write a little review.

My outfit details

  • I really wanted to wear my vintage levi’s mom jeans, because since they aren’t tight they’re a great alternative to leggings.
  • Then I put on my favorite blue sweater from h and m, it’s so soft and cozy so I obviously wore it
  • After putting on some cozy socks I slipped on my go to high top converse which I should probably clean soon lol
  • To top it off, I put on my super red coat, which makes me feel so fashionable. This red jacket is definitely my capsule winter essential!

My passion for minimalism makes me want to share it with you (whoever is reading this), I hope everyone enjoys seeing my outfits and if so I’ll continue to do daily outfits of the day.


The $5 minimalist mistake I made

Yesterday I was out with my Mom. She loves going thrift shopping so that is what we did. I wasn’t planning on getting anything except a book. At the beginning I was looking through all the books and actually did find something pretty sweet (but that is for another post). Anyways I just looked through the dress pants because I needed a new pair for work, I work too often to do laundry every night. Then these pants caught my eye. They looked perfect, my ideal combination of vintage and modern colors. They were my size, so I didn’t bother trying them on.

This was my huge mistake…….when I got home and tried them on…they didn’t fit not even a bit. I couldn’t button them. I spent five dollars on a pair of pants that can’t be returned and don’t fit me!!

I made a huge mistake out of laziness, so learn from my mistake and never buy something that can’t be returned without trying it on. Five dollars may not seem like a lot but it adds up quickly to $30, And that is a tank of gas for me. Please save yourself from a silly mistake like this.

Be safe and shop smart!


Minimalist outfit 1 / capsule wardrobe

So today my mom just came over and told me we’re going out. I had just gotten out of the shower so I quickly blow dried my bangs and put some makeup on. Then I went to my closet to start picking out my outfit.

Let me just tell you, with my capsule wardrobe it took me less then five minutes to pick out this outfit. And honestly it isn’t insanely fashionable but it was enough for a simple day out and I felt good and comfortable. So, now here is the run down of my little outfit.

Basically the first thing I do is pick out my top. You can’t see it but I’m wearing a long black t-shirt thing from the Gap, that I got two dollars at some thrift store. Then I picked out my jeans, this pair I loved because the grey makes me look like I tried harder then I actually did. They are Levi’s, and I bought them at the mall on sale for $25, which I am very proud of. Since it is winter I picked out a jacket. This jacket is thrifted and I did a little diy to make is fringy which I think add’s some fun. After putting on some socks, I picked between my converse and off brand doc martens. The best part was this whole process took almost no time, but my outfit looked and was complete.

If you’re starting your own capsule wardrobe I suggest having a go-to pair of tennis-ish shoes, something casual but stylish.

And always try to show your waist, the worst scenario is when you can’t find it anywhere on a girl because her clothes are hiding it!


Minimalism outfit idea secret

Okay, so you’ve worn the same outfit three days in a row.

What now? Take a deep breath and open your eyes to the realization that maybe you bought the wrong clothes, or you need to open up a different side in your brain. The first week or two, I had the same problem. And this is how I fixed it, here is a quick and easy to read step by step guide. (:

Step 1: You probably don’t have a plain crew neck sweatshirt.

Step 2: They come in a million different colors. So get one!! I have a black crew neck, I got it from a thrift store for around three dollars. This little guy has opened up my wardrobe more then any other top I own. That thing I can wear with anything any day of the week.

Step 3: The crew can match babe. Try wearing it tucked into some high wasted jeans, or with a pair of black leggings. It looks soooooooo good with either. I can wear it on the couch or on a date with my super cute boyfriend. My crew has gone everywhere with me, and it’s not even the beginning. And I couldn’t be more excited about our future together. (:


My Winter capsule wardrobe/ And Minimalist journey: part 1

This is my winter capsule wardrobe!

Basically a capsule wardrobe is what media tells you not to do. Instead of splurging on new trends or must haves, it’s about bringing value to each and every clothing item you own. A couple months ago, I discovered minimalism and since then my life has changed, even beyond my wardrobe. I had always been a clothes hoarder, I can’t even remember a time where I liked my clothes or was content with the amount I had. No matter what I always wanted and needed more. One huge part of minimalism is understanding that there is a different definition of the words want and need. So, the first step I went through was acceptance. I had to accept that I needed to let go of the clothes that didn’t make me feel amazing. Once I did that the rest was quite simple. When I went through my clothes (which took about 2 months), I started to notice a pattern. I had discovered what color, style, fit, and material I liked on my body. This opened up my world. For the first time in my life, getting ready was simple and felt amazing. All my clothes match, no matter what sweater, coat or jeans combination. I know I will leave the house feeling and looking incredible. Not just because of my clothes, but my new sense of confidence that has come along with it.
